Bayern will Fax abschaffen

Bayern will Fax abschaffen

Bayerns Digitalminister Fabian Mehring (Freie Wähler) will das Fax in den öffentlichen Verwaltungen abschaffen.
In einer mit der Überschrift "Mehring hat die Faxen dicke" titulierten Mitteilung erklärt der Minister: "Das Fax ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß und ein Relikt aus einer anderen Zeit"

Quanta plus (a HTML-Editor), installation within current distros

Quanta plus (a HTML-Editor), installation within current distros

Again on my favorite project ;-)

Even if it is getting on in years, I still enjoy using the HTML editor for my projects. However, the installation became more and more complicated after the end of KDE 3.x. Now with Kubuntu 22.04 and the sources of the Trinity desktop (TDE) the interaction works very well so that the installation is quite easy. The Maintainers of the Trinity-Desktop added in the newest version HTML5 support to Quanta plus. There are different ways to make Quanta plus usable for you.
